- Bolsa de Carbono: Abaxx
- Bolsa de Carbono: ACX
- Bolsa de Carbono: Bursa Carbon Malaysia
- Bolsa de Carbono: Capturiant
- Bolsa de Carbono: CIX Singapora
- Bolsa de Carbono: CTX
- Bolsa de Carbono: GPX Ecofi
- Bolsa de Carbono: Toucan (Protocol)
- Bolsa de Carbono: Xpansiv CBL (c/CME)
- Bolsa de energia: BBCE
- Bolsa de energia: Beenx
- Bolsa de energia: N5X
- Nasdaq Marketplace Services Platform for Carbon
- Nasdaq Mktplace Services Platform for VCM
- News: Bloomberg Green
- News: Capital Reset
- News: Carbon Credits.com
- News: Carbon Herald
- News: Carbon Pulse
- News: EcoBusiness
- News: Estadão carbono
- News: Guardian bombshell
- News: Mongabay
- News: Net Zero Investor
- News: Quantum Commodity Intelligence
- News: Yale E360
- Ratings Agency: BeZero
- Ratings Agency: Calyx
- Ratings Agency: Sylvera
- Ratings: Renoster
- RegistrieS: CAD Trust
- RegistrieS: CAD Trust-Data Dashboard
- Registry: ACR (American Carbon Registry)
- Registry: ART Registry (ART-TREES: Architecture for REDD+ Transactions)
- Registry: British Columbia Carbon
- Registry: CAR-Climate Action Reserve
- Registry: CDM (Clean Dev.Mech.)
- Registry: Climate Action Reserve (CAR): The Reserve
- Registry: Global Carbon Council (GCC)
- Registry: Global Carbon Trace
- Registry: Gold Standard impact registry
- Registry: Markit/Plan Vivo
- Registry: Puro.earth (e Standard)
- Registry: Soluções da Expansiv p/Registries
- Registry: UCR-Universal carbon Registry
- Registry: Verra VCS
- Registry/Standards: Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standards (CCB Standards)
- S&P/TSX Composite Carbon Efficient Index Performance & Stats
- Standards & Registry: Tero (Brasil)
- Standards: ART Trees
- Standards: BioCarbon
- Standards: Cercarbono
- Standards: Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
- Standards: Global Carbon Council
- Standards: Plan Vivo
- Standards: Social Carbon
- Standards: The Gold Standard
- Standards: Verra
- Bolsa de Carbono: Abaxx
- Bolsa de Carbono: ACX
- Bolsa de Carbono: Bursa Carbon Malaysia
- Bolsa de Carbono: Capturiant
- Bolsa de Carbono: CIX Singapora
- Bolsa de Carbono: CTX
- Bolsa de Carbono: GPX Ecofi
- Bolsa de Carbono: Toucan (Protocol)
- Bolsa de Carbono: Xpansiv CBL (c/CME)
- Bolsa de energia: BBCE
- Bolsa de energia: Beenx
- Bolsa de energia: N5X
- Nasdaq Marketplace Services Platform for Carbon
- Nasdaq Mktplace Services Platform for VCM
- News: Bloomberg Green
- News: Capital Reset
- News: Carbon Credits.com
- News: Carbon Herald
- News: Carbon Pulse
- News: EcoBusiness
- News: Estadão carbono
- News: Guardian bombshell
- News: Mongabay
- News: Net Zero Investor
- News: Quantum Commodity Intelligence
- News: Yale E360
- Ratings Agency: BeZero
- Ratings Agency: Calyx
- Ratings Agency: Sylvera
- Ratings: Renoster
- RegistrieS: CAD Trust
- RegistrieS: CAD Trust-Data Dashboard
- Registry: ACR (American Carbon Registry)
- Registry: ART Registry (ART-TREES: Architecture for REDD+ Transactions)
- Registry: British Columbia Carbon
- Registry: CAR-Climate Action Reserve
- Registry: CDM (Clean Dev.Mech.)
- Registry: Climate Action Reserve (CAR): The Reserve
- Registry: Global Carbon Council (GCC)
- Registry: Global Carbon Trace
- Registry: Gold Standard impact registry
- Registry: Markit/Plan Vivo
- Registry: Puro.earth (e Standard)
- Registry: Soluções da Expansiv p/Registries
- Registry: UCR-Universal carbon Registry
- Registry: Verra VCS
- Registry/Standards: Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standards (CCB Standards)
- S&P/TSX Composite Carbon Efficient Index Performance & Stats
- Standards & Registry: Tero (Brasil)
- Standards: ART Trees
- Standards: BioCarbon
- Standards: Cercarbono
- Standards: Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
- Standards: Global Carbon Council
- Standards: Plan Vivo
- Standards: Social Carbon
- Standards: The Gold Standard
- Standards: Verra