Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use
Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use
A person with expertise and experience in AFOLU methodologies, tools, modules and/or projects, and who is approved by Verra for methodology element assessments within a given AFOLU project category
The account in the Verra Registry containing non-tradable AFOLU buffer credits for covering the risk of unforeseen losses in carbon stocks across the AFOLU project portfolio
Any User of the Verra Registry who does so in the capacity as a broker, agent or representative of any kind on behalf of a Principal for the purposes of utilizing the Verra Registry services
Process by which stream beds, flood plains and the bottoms of other water bodies are raised in elevation by the deposition of material eroded and transported from other areas.
Where smaller projects can register jointly as a group. Does not apply to all project types.
Water containing acid or oxygen which speeds up corrosion (rusting). It is recommended to use a water filter with corrosion and scale inhibitor product such as Siliphos (Premiere Sales is the only water treatment company to provide this triple-style method of water filtration for preventing corrosion).
Terms of Use
Provides payments to farmers who subscribe, on a voluntary basis, to environmental commitments related to the preservation of the environment and maintaining the countryside.
Non-fossil biological material, either from plant or animal origin, both living and dead, found above or below ground vegetation, including agricultural products and waste by-products, manure, soil fauna or microbial biomass used as food, feed and fuel or for soil amendment.