A marshy clearing between slopes above the timberline in mountains.
A marshy clearing between slopes above the timberline in mountains.
Alternative data refers to non-traditional data used in the investment process. Unlike traditional types of data, alternative data tends to be unstructured, hard to find and/or large in volume, and so requires significant computational power to analyze. If properly used, alternative data can provide firms with an information edge although it can lose its potential […]
The percent rate of return on capital in an investor’s best alternative at a risk similar to new ventures being considered.
Aluminum sulfate: a chemical, which is mixed into water to cause particles in the water to clump together so they can be removed.
The dissolving or blending of a metal (commonly gold and silver) in mercury to separate it from its parent material.
Outside air in the environment.
Measure of environmental quality indicating the amount of pollutants found per unit volume in different environmental media.
Technological systems and environments that are designed to change human cognitive processing, attitudes and behaviors without the need for the user’s conscious attention.
Temperature of the surrounding air (or other medium).
Society’s right to enjoy amenities, such as clean air and water, attractive landscapes, and peace and quiet.