An American-style option can be exercised by its holder at any time up to its expiration date.
A compound of nitrogen and hydrogen (NH3) that is a common by-product of animal waste. Ammonia readily converts to nitrate in soils and streams.
A single celled protozoan that is common in fresh and salt water. Some types of amoebas cause gastrointestinal diseases such as amoebic dysentery.
The process of gradually reducing some monetary amount over time.
Any fish which spends a portion of its life cycle in freshwater and a portion in the sea.
Migratory species that are born in freshwater, live mostly in estuaries and ocean water, and return to freshwater to spawn.
To function without air or oxygen.
Free from water.
Animal welfare, one of the key ethical concerns of the industry, refers to the treatment of animals involved in the fashion supply chain. For many years, activists have been calling public attention to the unlawful killing and widespread mistreatment of animals across the fur, leather, exotic leather, down feather, mohair, angora, silk and wool industries. […]