As related to fish, externally visible skin or subcutaneous disorders, including deformities, eroded fins, lesions, and tumors.
As related to fish, externally visible skin or subcutaneous disorders, including deformities, eroded fins, lesions, and tumors.
The deviation of a variable from its value averaged over a reference period.
The ANSI Accreditation Committee for product certification programs was established by the ANSI Board of Directors to be responsible for the operational aspects of ANSI’s accreditation programs and related activities, except as otherwise provided in the ANSI Bylaws or in procedures approved by the ANSI Conformity Assessment Policy Committee and the ANSI Board of Directors.
This Advisory Committee was created by the ACC to support this policy committee on accreditation matters related to GHG Validation/Verification Bodies and to provide input and guidance in the implementation of ANSI GHG accreditation programs.
The ‘Anthropocene’ is a proposed new geological epoch resulting from significant human-driven changes to the structure and functioning of the Earth System, including the climate system. Originally proposed in the Earth System science community in 2000, the proposed new epoch is undergoing a formalization process within the geological community based on the stratigraphic evidence that […]
Having to do with or caused by humans.
GHG emissions resultant from human activity that are considered to be an unnatural component of the Carbon Cycle (i.e. fossil fuel destruction, de-forestation, etc.).
Anthropogenic removals refer to the withdrawal of GHGs from the atmosphere as a result of deliberate human activities. These include enhancing biological sinks of CO2 and using chemical engineering to achieve long-term removal and storage. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) from industrial and energy-related sources, which alone does not remove CO2 in the atmosphere, can […]
The Anti-waste and Circular Economy Bill (La loi contre le gaspillage et à l’économie circulaire) is a newly adopted French law that extends the existing ban on food waste (introduced in France in 2016), to all non-food products. The Anti-waste and Circular Economy Bill will come into force in 2021 and will prohibit disposal, i.e. […]
A fold in the Earth’s crust, convex upward, whose core contains stratigraphically older rocks.